Thursday, March 19, 2009

Holy Land Trip (Galilee)

We are rapidly nearing the end of our Holy Land trip.
We’ve spent the last two days in and around the Galilee, the region where Jesus spent the majority of His ministry in.
I’ve enjoyed this part of the tour the most.
It is a very beautiful place and does not have the hectic pace of the city (Jerusalem).
The Sea of Galilee provides a very beautiful and tranquil setting.
You can easily picture our Lord walking the hillsides with his disciples or teaching in a boat near the shore.

Highlights from Wednesday, March 18:
Leaving Jerusalem, our group headed to the Jordan River Valley and Jericho.
Before looking at the remains of the ancient city, we stopped to see a sycamore tree believed to be the one Zacchaeus climbed to see Jesus.
We also visited the ancient city of Beit Shean before heading on to Mt Tabor.
Saul and Jonathan were slain at the foot of Mt Gilboa, near Beit Shean.
Beit Shean has some of the best excavations in all of Israel.
At Mt Tabor, overlooking the Valley of Jezreel, we saw the traditional site of Jesus’ transfiguration.
Our last stop was the Jordan River.
At the Jordan, Brother Joe baptized two of our team members: Rosie Caywood and Jimmy Boling.
The team spent the night in Tiberias, located on the Sea of Galilee.

Highlights from Thursday, March 19:
The day started with a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee.
On the north side of the Galilee we went up on Mt of Beatitudes, where Jesus delivered this famous sermon.
From there, we traveled north to the base of Mt Hermon to see Caesarea Philippi where the headwaters of the Jordan River begin.
This was where Peter made the “good confession.”
Also, on the Sea of Galilee we saw the site where Jesus fed 5,000 with 2 fish and 5 barley loaves.
We ended the day in Capernaum.
Capernaum was the site of most of Jesus’ miracles.
It was also the home of Peter.
While there, we saw excavations believed to be Peter’s house and the synagogue where Jesus taught.

Tomorrow (Friday, March 20), will be our last day of touring. We will leave Tiberias and go to Nazareth, Cana, Meggido, Haifa and Netanya.
We will leave Tel Aviv airport very early on Saturday, March 21.

In Him,
Greg Herriford

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