Tuesday, January 20, 2009

2009 Mission Journeys

Even though we’re not far into the New Year, the 2009 Mission Journeys are already well underway.
Back in October, a newsletter was mailed out to over 7,000 churches and individuals. Since then, we’ve been hearing back from several people interested in taking part. We're looking to have 30-35 trips and around 550 participants.

This year’s theme is “Heroes,” playing off the popular NBC TV series with the same name.
The TV show features characters with supernatural powers doing larger-than-life acts of heroism.
However, we hope to encourage folks to stretch their faith through the Mission Journeys and be a hero to someone else in the name of Lord, Jesus Christ.
Doing this may involve a simple act like giving a needy child a much-needed hug or loving those who society does not love.

As we now head toward the end of January, things are really starting to pick up with the 2009 edition of Mission Journeys.

Our annual Coordinator’s Retreat will be held on Thursday, January 29th at First Church of Christ (Burlington, KY). This meeting is to help train those leading one of our Mission Journeys. The items covered are critical for those leading short-term mission trips for Teen Mission, USA.

Also, the first mission trip of the year is only a few weeks away.
Our own Chuck Perry will be leading a group to Haiti (February 05-14) working with Kendell & Yvrose Johnson and the Dufailly Christian Mission. Kendell was part of our 1st-ever Mission Journey team in 1985 (to Haiti). He fell in love with Haiti and later returned as a full-time missionary.
Our team plans on helping with the construction of a new church building for the Dufailly Christian Church, which began in May, 2004, as a result of the mission work of Kendell & Yvrose.
The church currently meets in a 21’ x 14’ tin shed, but the team plans on helping construct a nice 18’ x 24’ block building.
While there, the team will also do a VBS for several hundred children in the afternoon and hold a week-long revival at night.

There’s still room for you on to join a team or project in 2009!
Let us know what kind of location you had in mind and we can work with your dates, matching you up with one of our partner communities.
Visit the Mission Journeys web site at http://www.missionjourneys.org/ to see our current 2009 trip list. That will give you a better idea of what communities/locations we’re working in.

In Him,
Greg Herriford (Teen Mission, USA)

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